
The information portal provides artists for both the performing and the visual arts comprehensive information on visas and residence, transport and customs, taxes, social and other insurances, and copyright related to cross-border mobility.

Furthermore, artists and cultural professionals can make use of the touring artists helpdesk service for individual consultations on international projects and working stays abroad. Please make an appointment online. The service is free of charge.

The website and service is addressed to artists living in Germany and working abroad for a limited time, as well as to foreign artists who come to work in Germany temporarily.

International Artists Info Berlin

From September 2018 on the service also welcomes artists and culture professionals who were forced to leave their home countries and are now residing in Germany. Individual consultations on international projects as well as on questions on how to achieve a future career in Germany are offered. Culture professionals can also obtain information on the Berlin job market in particular. Moreover, the helpdesk service addresses cultural institutions in Berlin that are collaborating with arriving artists.

The information portal has been enhanced accordingly with corresponding information in German, English and Arabic.

Please make an appointment online. The service is free of charge.

This extension of touring artists is part of the project International Artist Information Berlin.

Brexit Infopoint

Until the end of 2023, touring artists expanded its services to include a Brexit Infopoint. It provided information and advice to artists, creative professionals and event organizers in the cultural sector on administrative issues relating to cross-border work between the United Kingdom and Germany or the Schengen area.

The results and collections of information from the project are documented on the touring artists website and are included in the general materials there. The touring artists advisory service is of course still available today also for questions relating to mobility between the UK and Germany.

touring artists is a joint project of IGBK, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD). The project is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

The enhanced service for artists and culture professionals from countries affected by crisis is part of the project "International Artists Info Berlin" – a cooperation of IGBK, ITI and DTD, supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, programme ‘Weltoffenes Berlin‘.