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Visit from El Parche and Red Communitaria Trans activists from Bogotá in Berlin

We met with Olga Robayo from EL PARCHE/ Kuir-Festival Bogotá and Daniela Maldonado Salamanca and Yoko Ruiz (YuYu) (both Red Comunitaria Trans) end of August in our offices in Berlin!

Selfie picture of the symposium participants (c) María Linares

The three of them were staying for several weeks in different places of Europe, a.o. also for an exhibition and a symposium at the Kunstverein Göttingen in September 2021 - social poetics* social poetics* activism - a cooperation between Red Comunitaria Trans, the Kuir-Festival Bogotá, EL PARCHE Artist Residency and the Kunstverein Göttingen, a project documenting the cooperation between the artist Tomás Espinosa and Red Comunitaria Trans.

Red Comunitaria Trans was founded in 2012 in Bogotá by transsexual sex workers* as a trans*feminist organization. Its goal is to advocate for the lives and rights of trans* people and to raise awareness of and overcome the disadvantage and discrimination experienced by this community. Throughout its years of dedicated work, Red Comunitaria Trans has also collaborated with artists, such as Tomás Espinosa, combining the means of art with activism and social and political protest.

More information on Tomás Espinosa can also be found here.

Olga Robayo had joined us before for digital the onAIRISM workshop in May 2021.

2021 IGBK Treffen mit kolumbianischen Gaesten AS small 8649 600(c) Andreas Schmid