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24 May 2024, 10 am - 5 pm CEST | Round table on the framework conditions for artistic work in Europe from the perspective of diversity | In Stockholm, Berlin and via Zoom

Cooperation of IGBK and the Artists' Association of Sweden, in partnership with IAA Europe and On The Move.

The event takes place in Berlin and Stockholm and can be joined digitally via Zoom (register here). Conference language is English.

Round table participants a.o.:

STOCKHOLM - Anna Stina Svakko, David Larsson, Ermias Erkube, Jakop Dalunde, Katarina Renman Claesson, Lars ApelmoLina Marie Karlsson, Macarena Olmos Dusant, Noel Kelly, Öla Öhlin, Sara Edström, Sofia De La Fuente, Theresa Lekberg | BERLIN - Andreas Schmid, Anike Joyce Sadiq, Anna Schölß, annette hollywood, Christina Zück, Christine Düwel, Jan Stradtmann, Jerome Ince-Mitchell, Julia KastenDr. Katharina Koch, María Linares, Pham, Minh Duc, Mutlu Ergün-Hamaz, Thomas Weis, Yohann Floch, Dr. Yvette Mutumba | VIA ZOOM - Marcel Noack, Marie Thams, Sheri Avraham

View all the visual artists | diverse conditions participants in 2023 and 2024

Friday, 24 May 2024, 10 am CEST Berlin/ Stockholm
*Please note that some program parts and times may still be subject to change*

  • 10:00 am | Welcome and Introduction
    with co-moderators Sara Edström (Artists' Association of Sweden, also co-conference lead) and Yohann Floch (On The Move)
    and project leaders María Linares, Christine Düwel, Marcel Noack (all three IGBK)

  • 10:30 am | Two Keynotes
    Macarena Olmos Dusant (independent art historian, editor and writer, Stockholm)
    Dr. Yvette Mutumba (Co-Founder and Director of 'Contemporary And' (C&) and lecturer at ‘Institut Kunst im Kontext’ of Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin)

    11:00 am Q&A and moderated round table

  • 11:30 am coffee break

  • 11:45 pm | European Parliament perspective
    Julia Kasten (Accredited personal assistant to Member of Parliament Romeo Franz, vice chair of the Culture and Education Committee) and
    Jakop Dalunde (Member of Parliament, Committee on Transport and Tourism)

    12:30 pm Q&A and moderated round table

  • 1:00 pm lunch break

  • 2:00 pm | Welcome back and Inputs Visual Artists Associations in Europe
    Marie Thams (Danish Association of Visual Artists, National Committee of IAA Europe in Denmark) and
    Noel Kelly (Visual Artists Ireland, National Committee of IAA Europe in Ireland)

    2:40 pm Q&A and moderated round table

  • 3:15 pm | Artistic Performance
    by Pham, Minh Duc

  • 3:45 pm coffee break

  • 4:00 pm | Reflections
    between Pham, Minh Duc, Sheri Avraham, and Jerome Ince-Mitchell

    4:25 pm Q&A and moderated round table with reflections by the organizers

  • 4:55 pm | Summarizing and farewell
    by the moderators and the project leaders

IGBK and its projects are funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media and by the Kulturstiftung der Länder.