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ufaFabrik Berlin
Viktoriastr. 10-18
12105 Berlin
1-3 months
German, English
not specified, please contact residency operator
please contact residency
not specified
© ufaFabrik Berlin
As a popular venue and artist residence the focus of ufafabrik is to support the development for independent artist groups in theatre, music, dance, interdisciplinary performances and in the new circus arts).
The policy of ufafabrik for cultural programs and projects is
to promote original ideas and impulses to cultural, social and environmental change and to foster creative links of art and ecology.
The ufafabrik provides 2 main halls (350 and 180 seats, an 700 seat open-air-stage and several production studios, sized beween 100sqm and 60 sqm. The guest artists receive opportunities to perform to the Berlin audience. ufafabrik provides professional help in technical support (light and sound) as well as in media promotion and public relations.

The charming, village-style ufafabrik is situated in the heart of the city, close to the Tempelhof Airport, 20 minutes off from the nightbuzz of Berlin-Mitte. ufaFabrik offers to artists a unique structure like a “home away from home” in a lively athmosphere where private and public life is a unity.
Artists appreciate the challenge of ufafababrik, where one can choose to have a tranquile working possibility or to have easy access to the vibrant city with its cultural and social life.
As a public institute, ufafabrik is frequented by a very mixed audience. Artists may encounter with berliner artists and with local people from various backgrounds.
Private Room