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via the NGO Artists At Risk

Donation account Artists at Risk (AR): Perpetuum Mobile ry
IBAN: FI35 5723 0220 7720 60
Keyword: „Afghanistan“
Donations are also possible via Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay as well as via the website:

Bild für die Spendenaktion für Künstler in Afghanisten über die NGO Artists At Risk

Update August 2023: Over the past two years, Taliban rule in Afghanistan has endangered countless lives, especially those of women artists. In recent weeks, there appears to have been a spate of raids on the homes and studios of Afghan artists, with their musical instruments confiscated, destroyed, and burned. Hundreds of artists are still struggling to flee the country.

Your donation will help Artists at Risk continue their important work.

The BBK-Bundesverband, the Deutscher Künstlerbund, GEDOK, the Internationales Künstlergremium (IKG) and the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK) are jointly calling on their members, friends, supporters and the general public to help address the urgent situation of artists in Afghanistan through a one-time fundraising campaign.

Please make a donation now to help bring artists under threat in Afghanistan to safety.

For more than a year and since the withdrawal of the international security forces from Afghanistan, many artists who are still hiding in Kabul and other cities are in acute danger of their lives. The German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Affairs (BMI) has developed a Bundesaufnahmeprogramm (Federal Reception Program) for Afghanistan, which regulates the issuance of visas for the remaining local forces and other threatened persons in the country.

Thanks to the commitment of the German Cultural Council, culture is a key criterion in the assessment for admission to this program. This has significantly increased the chances of artists at risk obtaining a German visa. The BMI has invited some artist associations to participate in making proposals for the listing of those at risk, for which we are very grateful.

But this preparation of the listing is enormously time-consuming and requires a lot of specific knowledge that the artist associations themselves cannot provide. For this process, which the NGOs are supposed to do, there is no financial support from the state so far.

Logo der NGO Artists At Risk

As artist associations, we work closely with the NGO Artists at Risk (AR), which can take over the research and listing of artists at risk. Artists at Risk has been working for many years in the evacuation and care of endangered artists worldwide and especially in Afghanistan and has a unique expertise in this field.

In order to succeed in bringing the endangered artists to safety through the Bundesaufnahmeprogramm, we need your support for Artists at Risk (AR). Please donate to Artists at Risk (AR) under the keyword „Afghanistan“ so that Artists at Risk (AR) can take on this important task for artists in Afghanistan!

We know that the situation is difficult for many artists in Germany due to the pandemic and now the energy crisis. Nevertheless, we ask those who are in a position to do so to see the existential need of many Afghan artists and help them by donating to Artists at Risk.

Logos der beteiligten Künstlerverbände