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May 2022

Online workshop and a digital conference on the work and visions of artists' residencies and their networking in the global south

With the continuation of onAIRISM in 2022, IGBK will again address the work and visions of artist residencies (AIR).

Artists' residencies are an intrinsic part of the mobility infrastructure in the art and cultural field. However, ecological, political and economic crises around the world today are widely questioning the mobility concepts of recent decades and are giving rise to a desire to render AIR programs more sustainable.

While the focus in 2021 was on the Americas, in 2022 other regions in the global south, individual countries in Africa, South- and SouthEast-Asia, are to be considered. We are particularly interested in the interaction and networks between these countries. Where are there already joint projects that strengthen the connections? How does this exchange take place? What commonalities or differences make this exchange particularly productive?

onAirism igbk Banner introduction

Like in the previous year, onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity will again seek exchange with artists and AIR operators from the focus regions from the very beginning, in order to work together with them already in the concept development phase. The question of how AIR programs define themselves in their regional and international context will be taken as a starting point.

onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity will again take up central questions of the 2021 project and discuss them further against the background of region-specific debates and developments:

  • Revaluation of spaces during and after the pandemic: What can residencies provide?
  • How AIR programs network - locally and globally along the axis of the global south?
  • Residencies as political spaces - providing shelter, accommodating diversity?

onAIRISM in 2022 will again be seen as a series of activities extending over several months. Interviews, discussions and a workshop will prepare an online conference to be held in November 2022.

The activities are published with videos and articles, together with best practice examples, publications, networks, etc. on an ongoing basis on the IGBK website.

The project leaders of onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity are María Linares, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl, members of the board of IGBK.

For more information, view also the 2021 onAIRISM - challenges and transitions pin board.