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Denk- und Produktionsort Libken
Ort Böckenberg 15-17
17268 Gerswalde
via Mail
see residency description
German, English, French, Italian
Depending on availability, we offer our apartments for free for 1-2 weeks in the frame of A ROOM OF ONES OWN | Libken Raumstipendium
a child, your partner
no / not specified
Unfortunately, the building is not accessible for people in wheelchairs and only partially accessible for people with motor disabilities, as all flats are only accessible via stairs.
© Denk- und Produktionsort Libken

Because of Libken having no ongoing institutional funding, most of our guests organize the financing of their residency by themselves. From time to time, we can invite people through funded programs for a paid residency (#takeheart Residenzstipendium, Kulinarikstipendium, Stipendium für Kunst und Umwelt). When this is not the case, we irregularly publish open calls for A ROOM OF ONES OWN | Libken Raumstipendium - which equals a free stay of a week or two in one of our studio apartments.
The core of Denk- und Produktionsort Libken is a four-story residential complex located on the outskirts of the 80-inhabitant village of Böckenberg, in northeastern Brandenburg. Like many similar dwellings constructed in times of the GDR, the building was doomed to demolition due to vacancy. Since 2014, it has gradually been converted to its new use with the help of friends and supporters.

Accompanying of residents is possible by prior arrangement. If accompaniment is necessary because, for example, a child is being cared for together or the resident has another disability and is dependent on accompaniment, free accommodation for the accompanying person is possible. This must be discussed and agreed on an individual basis. Otherwise, visitors pay 5 euros/night for the first 3 nights and then 30 euros/night.
Today, Libken is offering space to artists, thinkers and activists of various fields. Apartments of different shapes and sizes can host large groups and individual residents alike. Especially in the warm seasons, the spatious garden invites to work outside, where our guests find tables and a canopied platform for yoga practice, open-air-cinema and alike. A multi-purpose studio separate from the house can be heated with wood and used as exhibition space, dance studio or conference room.
The call for A ROOM OF ONES OWN | Libken Raumstipendium is published irregularly depending on the availability of our studio apartments. Artists, thinkers and activist from all fields can apply by describing on one page what they would like to do during their time in Libken and why they need a room of their own.
Applicants will be informed within few days about the choice of the invited resident.