If you are looking for current deadlines and open calls you can view them here.

In case you, as the residence operator, want to make changes to the post – please write to us at mapping@igbk.de

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Künstlerresidenz Blumen
Kolonnadenstr. 20
04179 Leipzig
3-6 months
German, English
not specified, please contact residency operator
no / not specified
not specified
© Künstlerresidenz Blumen
*Blumen* sees itself as a place of artistic production and pursues the goal of promoting the work of young and previously little-established visual artists with its artists-in-residence programme. For this purpose, artists of international origin are invited to work creatively in the studio flat provided for a period of approx. 3-5 months. The studio flat, a former flower shop that was previously used as an exhibition space, is located in the centre of Leipzig.
- Accommodation and studio
- Duration of fellowship: 4 months (Jan-April/May-Aug/Sept-Dec)
- Organisation of exhibitions and events in consultation with the artists
- Proportionate financing of production costs
- Support for the artists in acquiring additional funding for travel and living expenses
- Support with visa and entry
- Residency requirement