(c) Malin Ekman
Macarena Dusant is an independent art historian, editor and writer. Her work focuses mainly on power structures, the notion of the public realm and mechanisms of exclusion within western contemporary art. She has published books and texts about migrated artists, the diaspora experience and conditions as part of the racialization processes in the Swedish art field as well as texts on public art and the public sphere. Dusant has been involved in different independent cultural and artistic organizations, working mainly with art collectives. As part of the editorial group Kultwatch.se, an online platform for the arts and intersectional cultural analysis founded in 2014, Dusant has been an important public voice challenging whiteness and hierarchies in the Swedish art field. Her writing practice explores a process where she experiments with the hybridization of academic writing, essay, lyric, collective being and dreams, mirroring her diasporic background as part of the global majority. Currently she is the curator and process leader for the project Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, a three year art project where Grafikens Hus - a museum for contemporary printmaking, together with scholars, curators and artists investigates and formulate a vision and methods to build a collection from a post-colonial and intersectional perspective.
Macarena gibt von Stockholm aus einen der beiden Keynote Inputs auf der 2024 visual artists | diverse conditions Konferenz.