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Villa Waldberta
Höhenbergstraße 25
82340 Feldafing
1983 (as Villa Waldberta). Merged in 2021 with Ebenböckhaus Residency to ARTIST IN RESIDENCE MUNICH: Villa Waldberta / Ebenböckhaus
Ms Marie-Amélie Bauer
see residency description
German, English, French, Italian
1.200,- € monthly per person (stipend), reimbursement of monthly public transport tickets in Munich; partly with public calls: travel grants; depending on budget: production grants
a child, your partner
all generations are welcome
© Villa Waldberta
We offer professional artists, curators, and scientists from all over the world space, time, and financial support. Open-ended, creative processes are more important to us than a perfect final product. We create encounters, exchanges, and networks in the Munich scene as well as in the “Five Lakes Region” with different event formats. We always cooperate with cultural institutions and artists in Munich.
Other languages that are spoken at the residencies: romanian, japanese (by different team members). The duration of Residency is 3 months. Companion allowed: this should be coordinated with the AIR Munich team in advance. AIR -Munich endeavor to reach family-friendly solutions.
Main house: 5 spacious apartments with kitchen / kitchenette. Salons on the ground floor for shared use and public events. Additionally one summer apartment in the cottage with small studio. Big studio (Palmenhaus) for shared use within the park.
Palmenhaus studio (80 m²), small studio in the cottage (12 m²), Salons on the ground floor of the main house for readings, screenings, concerts, discussions.
S-Bahn Station Feldafing (commuter train – 40 minutes from Munich central station), 10 minutes walk from Feldafing Station to Villa Waldberta.
We encourage artists to present themselves and their work to the public.
Networking with the Munich art scene.
There are two ways to become an artist in residence at Villa Waldberta:
1. Upon proposal by Munich based cooperation partners
2. Public calls (no fixed dates: calls are regularly published on the website)