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Urbane Künste Ruhr Residenz
Gerard-Mortier-Platz 1
44793 Bochum
see residency description
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© Urbane Künste Ruhr Residenz
Since 2018, Urbane Künste Ruhr has been organising the supra-regional residency programme Zu Gast bei Urbane Künste Ruhr (Visiting Urbane Künste Ruhr) in cooperation with various other institutions in the Ruhr region. The decentralised programme offers up to fourteen three- or twelve-month, open-ended residencies each year. Urbane Künste Ruhr aims to give international artists the opportunity to get to know the region and its social and geographical structure, to conduct research and to find new impulses for their own artistic work. The residents are selected through a proposal process that takes an annually changing thematic bracket as its starting point. Since the beginning of the programme, there have been cooperations with the Künstlerhaus Dortmund on behalf of the KunstVereineRuhr as well as with the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr and Makroscope e.V. in Mülheim.