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If you are looking for current deadlines and open calls you can view them here.

In case you, as the residence operator, want to make changes to the post – please write to us at mapping@igbk.de

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Bessemerstraße 2-14
12103 Berlin
3-6 months
German, English
not specified, please contact residency operator
no / not specified
not specified
© District
Since 2009, District has been realising a multifaceted programme with the aim of creating long-term dialogues between artistic, curatorial, scientific and educational ways of working. Focusing on the location of artistic practice in urban space, District develops collaborative and research-oriented formats for art in expanded fields of action. Various forms of neighbourhood, the dissolution of boundaries and emancipatory moments of friendship form occasions for opening up the present to different perspectives and forms of knowledge with the means of art. Influenced by feminist, queer and decolonial approaches, District explores the curatorial as a performative as well as analytical practice and tests new forms of community.

The bi-annual District studio bursary is explicitly dedicated to supporting women, genderqueer, inter* and trans* artists working in visual art. Awarded by a diverse jury, the bursary aims to provide structural support for women artists*, to locate artistic research locally and to create ongoing relationships of conversation and work.

The studio grant is part of our commitment to building an artistic community based on solidarity. Accordingly, through the transdisciplinary studio talks and the inclusion of the scholarship holders in the ongoing programme, the studio scholarship offers a public forum for the reflection, further development and networking of the practice of women artists*.