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Galerie Stihl Waiblingen
Eva Mayr-Stihl Platz
71332 Waiblingen
1-3 months
German, English, French
a child, a pet, your partner
no / not specified
The accomodation and the working space are barrier-free
© Galerie Stihl Waiblingen
The Stipend for Drawing and Paper Art of the City of Waiblingen, for short, the Waiblinger Paper Art Stipend, has been awarded for the first time in 2023. The project, which is unique in Germany, is facilitated by the support of the Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung based on a bequest to the foundation by Renate Reichert.
The Stuttgart resident Renate Reichert (born in 1942) died in December 2019 as a random victim of a violent crime. Known by friends and neighbours as a warm and likable individual, she bequeathed her estate to several non-profit organizations, including the Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung. Renate Reichert made this bequest contingent on the stipulation that, ‘it be used to promote contemporary artists, promote young artists, and realize exhibitions for such young talents’. She thus laid the foundation for the creation of the Waiblinger Paper Art Stipend.
In accordance with Renate Reichert’s wish, the Stipend for Drawing and Paper Art of the City of Waiblingen was created. One special aspect of the stipend is its cross-generational character: It consists of a tandem of one established artist, the main stipend recipient, and emerging young artists as additional prize winners. Furthermore, the established artist accompanies the emerging artists as a mentor during their stay in Waiblingen. The direct exchange between the artists about techniques and working methods as well as the networking of artists are thus important components of the promotion of young talents.
Another special aspect of the stipend results from the specialization on drawing and paper art. Corresponding to the orientation of the Galerie Stihl Waiblingen, the stipend focuses on the art of drawing and the medium of paper with their broad spectrum. The rich diversity of expressive possibilities that has been inherent in paper and drawing for centuries, as well as the fascination with artistic works made from and on paper is shown by the award-winning contemporary artists.