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22. und 23. September 2022 in Helsinki, Finland

Logos der vier verantwortlichen Organisationen

Co-hosted von der Artists’ Association of Finland, IAA Europe und a-n The Artists Information Company (UK)

Hier geht es zum Programm des Symposiums auf der Website der Artists Assoiation of Finland.

"Showing solidarity for our colleagues at the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, this year’s IAA Europe Symposium invites visual artists, curators and cultural organisations to share ways to support artists seeking refuge.

Building Artists’ Futures will question why creating and exhibiting art matters in times of war and explore what the IAA Europe and the wider international art community can do to establish sustainable support networks. Speakers will share their experiences of programmes aimed at supporting artists seeking refuge to continue their practices and offer their views on how to deepen the representation of Ukrainian artists, artworks and cultural events that make Ukraine an important part of Europe.

The Symposium will take place on Thursday 22 September 2022 in Ode – Helsinki Central Library, Helsinki, Finland. This is an in-person event that will not be recorded. The full programme of speakers will be announced shortly. Please register here."

Am Tag nach dem Symposium, am Freitag, den 23. September 2022, findet auch die Generalversammlung der IAA Europe in Helsinki statt. Diese Generalversammlung wird mit Wahlen eines neuen Vorstandes stattfinden.

Weitere Informationen auch auf der Website der IAA Europe.