
The General Meeting 2017 of the International Association of Art Europe took place in Dublin, Ireland on September 14th, 2017.

As current offices of IAA Europe and under the presidency of Werner Schaub, IGBK officially invited to the Assembly. The event was kindly hosted for us by Visual Artists Ireland, the irish National Committee of the IAA with offices in Dublin and Belfast.

26 guests from 16 european countries united for the Assembly. For an overlook of the organizations' current projects, the Website of IAA Europe features some of the reports of the National Committees. Have a look at the invitation and agenda here.

The Assembly voted for a stronger collaboration with further european networks, considering also the European Year of Cultural heritage, announced by the European Commission for 2018. IAA Europe will apply for direct membership in Culture Action Europe.

The day after the Assembly, the delegates took part in the Get Together 2017 – Ireland’s National Day for Visual Artists, organized by Visual Artists Ireland and the Irish Museum of Modern Art. Speakers informed about their work, the development of their careers and their personal experience as professional artists. Panels discussed a.o. the practical, creative and career challenges of sustaining practice in mid and late career, or in another discussion, the questions as to what point arts always need to be useful and measurable and how balance can be achieved between supporting process and directing innovation.

International Association of Arts Europe


Visual Artists Ireland




IAA Europe General Assembly Dublin / Photos © Bernadette Beecher, 2017

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