
Series of events in 2019 on artistic cooperation in border regions

Übergänge/ Nachbarschaft

IGBK discussed artistic cooperation in border regions of Germany in a series of events 2019 under the title "Übergänge/ Nachbarschaft".

The events debated the specific quality of artistic work on intra-European borders. What conditions are cooperations subject to? What funding opportunities exist, especially from the EU side, and how do these affect the artistic work in those regions?

The juxtaposition of the talks also provided ideas as to what the term border in 2019 means artistically and politically in Europe, against the backdrop of new nationalisms within the European Union and also facing Brext in these days. Are boundaries transitions, and how are these transitions ordered? Which cultural boundaries continue to exist, which ones are new and how do artists deal with them?

Artistic exchange between regions and across borders can decisively be a vehicle for cultural and political cohesion. What changes will there possibly be with a new European Parliament and what will be the possibilities under the new Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU, which will run from 2021 onwards? How can artists become active?

Marcel Noack and Jörg Wagner, members of the board of IGBK, were the project leaders for "Übergänge/ Nachbarschaft".

  • The series kicked off with a podium discussion and a touring artists workshop on 26.04.2019 in Frankfurt (Oder) as part of the student art festival Art an der Grenze na granicy and the Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst.
  • In cooperation with the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, a lecture was given on 14.06.2019 by Norbert Cyrus (Research associate of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) - Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION) on the thematization of borders in the social sciences and in visual arts.
  • The Europe-wide perspective was the focus in Konstanz/ Kreuzlingen, from 23.-26.10.2019 in Culture Action Europe's annual conference "Beyond the Obvious", this year under the title "Culture Crops: cultural practices in non-urban territories". IGBK was one of the cooperation partners for organizing the conference at the German-Swiss border. View a detailed report on the conference here (PDF).
  • More best practice examples were presented at the closing event in cooperation with Kloster Bentlage in Rheine on 15./16.11.2019. Program: Panel discussion with artists from Germany and the Netherlands and project leaders of the EUREGIO taNDem project - Consulting workshop in German and Dutch on the international mobility of artists - Workshop discussion: What similarities can be observed across the regions in cross-border work? What specific opportunities and challenges exist? How can artists and cultural actors receive support and bundle results here?


Art an der Grenze Na Ganicy vom 25.04 to the 10.05.2019

Workshop „Working abroad - Künstlerische Projekte im Ausland“
26.04.2019, a.o. with an input by the Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina e.V.
Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst

Podium discussion on artistic cooperations in border regions
26.04.2019, with Berenika Partum, Joachim Mühle und Marcel Noack
Festival site Art an der Grenze na granicy

Read the program here.

Read the comprehensive documentation on the podium discussion here (PDF in German).


14.06.2019, lecture and discussion at Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin, 19h

Aula of the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Bühringstraße 20, 13086 Berlin

Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste in cooperation with the Weißensee Kunsthochschule

"Vom begrenzten Sehen zum Sehen von Grenzen. Die Thematisierung der Grenze in Sozialwissenschaften und bildender Kunst" (in German)

Lecture by Dr. Norbert Cyrus (Research Associate of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) - Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION) with folllowing conversation

A cooperation of the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK) and the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

View the program here.

23-26 October 2019: Culture Action Europe conference "Culture Crops - cultural practices in non-urban territories" in Konstanz/KreuzlingenLogo Culture Crops

The 2019 Edition of Culture Action Europe's Beyond the Obvious conference from 23-26 October 2019 in Konstanz/Kreuzlingen focuses on cultural practices in non-urban territories and sparks the debate on so called peripheral territories.

  • Dynamics & Organisation: How does cultural work in peripheral territories take place and how is it organised?
  • Urban-Rural Discrepancies: What is the difference between urban visions of the rural and what the rural is today?
  • Blurred Borderlines: Where does the rural begin and where does it end?

Culture Crops will be the conference on the road. Various thematic itineraries are proposed to the participants in order to experience the diversity of models of practice present in the region. These visits include facilitated debate and exchange between similar practices from other parts of Europe and offers an opportunity for learning and peer-to-peer exchange.

View the program, concept note and speakers on the conference website. IGBK is one of the cooperation partners for organizing the conference at the German-Swiss border.

Übergänge/ Nachbarschaft / Photos: © IGBK, 2019

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