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Erguel Cengiz Foto Moritz Altmann Rechte Ergül Cengiz 500Foto Moritz Altmann/ c Ergül Cengiz

Ergül Cengiz is a Munich-based visual artist. In 2004 she formed the artist group 3 Hamburger Frauen with Henrieke Ribbe and Kathrin Wolf, with whom she created numerous ephemeral wall works. In her own works, Cengiz deals with personal, political, social- and art historical themes, which she interweaves in various media and realises in spaces.

She studied from 1996 to 2004 at AdBK Munich and HfbK Hamburg. Her exhibitions include Eccentric 80s: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen, Rabe perplexum and accomplices from the now with 3 Hamburg Frauen, Burcu Dogramaci, Philipp Gufler, Mareike Schwarz; research-book-exhibition project; Lothringer Halle 13, Munich; Galerie Nord, Berlin; Kunsthaus Hamburg (2021-2023)I’LL BE YOUR MIRROR at the Pinakothek der Moderne Munich (2019/20); OLD FASHIONED at Kunstverein Hamburg (2017); In A Gadda Da Vida at Kasseler Kunstverein (2009); and MEMENTO at ar/ge Art Gallery Museum Bolzano (2007).

Since 2023 Ergül is a delegate of the GEDOK to the General Assembly of IGBK.

Ergül is active in the visual artists | diverse conditions working group on funding and working spaces.