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 Hauptartikel gruen on airism igbk banner 2021

Vea el programa del taller en español aquí

11 November 2021, for approx. 1 1/2 hours, starting at... -->

8am in Calgary, CAN (UTC -7) | 9am in Mexico City, MEX | San José, CRI (UTC -6) | 10am in Bogotá, Calí, or Medellín, COL | Gatineau, CAN | Providence, RI, US (UTC -5) | 11am in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BOL (UTC -4) | 11:30pm in Port Union, CAN (UTC -3:30) | Noon in Buenos Aires, ARG | Recife, or Mucuri, Bahia, BRA (UTC -3) | 3pm in London, GBR (UTC +0) | 4pm in Berlin, or Dresden, GER | Budapest, HUN | Poznan, POL (UTC +1) | 7pm in Tbilisi (UTC+4)

Schedule as PDF

Workshop participants List | all onAIRISM participants | More information on the project

(Times below are Berlin times. Berlin is UTC +1, for your local time, see the list above )
4:00 00:05 4:05

Introduction to the workshop by Andreas Schmid and María Linares

Themes of the workshop: Revaluation of spaces during and after the pandemic: What can residencies provide? | How AIR programs network - locally and globally | Residencies as political shelters

Some words on the structure of the workshop.

4:05 00:05 4:10

Introduction round for five minutes
Introduce yourself by saying four sentences about yourself - and then pass the ball on to somebody else in the workshop.

We will be going into break out rooms from here on to discuss the themes "Shelter" | "Networks" | "Revaluation of spaces" in small groups of approx. eight people. We will send you into the breakout rooms. Everyone will be in a room on each topic in turn.
4:10 00:20 4:30

Breakout Rooms Round 1

4:30 00:20 4:50 Breakout Rooms Round 2
4:50 00:05 4:55 Five minutes break...
4:55 00:20 5:15 Breakout Rooms Round 3

5:15 00:05 5:20 Workshop Wrap-Up by María Linares
Feel free to bring your insights and notes from the workshop to the Q&A after the panel at the conference!
5:20 00:40 6:00

40 minutes break until the start of the public conference at 6pm Berlin, UTC +1. Careful, the conference has a different Zoom link!