2021 online workshop and a digital conference on the work, visions and networking of artists' residencies in selected regions (...)
Over the year, results of this project’s exchange and research - quotes, excerpts, notes and images - will be published on a digital pin board here
In exchange with: Archiv der Avantgarden (Dresden, GER) | AXENÉO7 (Gatineau, CAN) | Caitlind Brown (Calgary, CAN) | Casa Tres Patios (Medellín, COL) | Casa Gallina (Mexico City, Mexico) | Easttopics (Budapest, HUN) | El Parche (Bogotá, COL) | Gasworks/ Triangle Network (London, UK) | GeoAIR (Tbilisi, GE) | KIOSKO Galería (Santa Druz de la Sierra, BOL) | Lugar a dudas (Cali, COL) | Museo Do Mato (Bahía, Brazil) | TEOR/éTica (San José, CRI) | Union House Arts (Port Union, CAN) | ZAMEK Culture Centre (Poznań, POL) | Zona Imaginaria (Buenos Aires, ARG)
An overview of all the partners in our gatherings until now
With inputs by Marcelo Rezende, Josefa Ortega, Alessio Antoniolli, Olga Robayo and Iván Tovar
Video for the onAIRISM conference November 2021
Video for the onAIRISM conference November 2021
Video of Lola Malavasi Lachner's input in November 2021
Video of Lucrecia Urbano's input in November 2021
A video that was sent to us in November 2021
via Zoom between Bahía and Berlin
Visit from El Parche and Red Communitaria Trans activists from Bogotá in Berlin
Edited by Taru Elfving, Irmeli Kokko, Pascal Gielen (2019)
Article by Silvia Fehrmann on https://ludlow38.org
Article by Ingo Arend on the website of Goethe Institute Bulgaria
IGBK project in 2011 on mobility as part of artistic life and practice
blog about travelling artists and their everyday experiences (until 2015)