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IGBK project in 2011 on mobility as part of artistic life and practice

a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT/How to Become an Artist in Residence

In 2011, IGBK together with the Berlin Weissensee School of Art, the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa), Stuttgart/Berlin, ON-AiR/Trans Artists, Amsterdam, and the International Association of Art (IAA) Europe, organized the symposium "a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT/How to Become an Artist in Residence".

Lectures, discussions and workshops focused on different motives for mobility and its ramifications on life and work of artists. Also practical advice on stipends and residencies were given to more than ninety participants.

There is also a publication a.RTIST IN TRANSIT/how to become an artist in residence available (in German). It collects contributions by Leonie Baumann, Paolo Bianchi, Nikhil Chopra, Elke aus dem Moore/Natalia Kot, Peter Müller, Yasmine Ostendorf und Tanja Ostojic. The publication can be ordered for free at the IGBK office (send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

More information on the project and symposium program here.

 Artist in transit