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Dakar, Senegal

Inner courtyard with a green tree in the middle(c) Antoine Tempé


Dulcie Abrahams Altass and Fatima Bintou Rassoul from RAW Material Company join us for the onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity workshop in June and the conference in November 2022.

RAW Material Company is a centre for art, knowledge and society. It is an initiative involved with curatorial practice, artistic education, residencies, knowledge production, and archiving of theory and criticism on art.

It works to foster appreciation and growth of artistic and intellectual creativity in Africa. The programme is trans-disciplinary and is equally informed by literature, film, architecture, politics, fashion, cuisine and diaspora.

RAW Académie is an experimental residential programme for the research and study of artistic and curatorial practice and thought. The programme takes place over 7 weeks in Dakar. It is dedicated to a dynamic reflection on artistic research, curatorial practice and critical writing. Two separate sessions are held each year in the spring and fall. Each session is directed by a lead faculty who has displayed an off-the-beaten-track practice in regard to art, curating and art criticism.

The Session 9 was just led by Linda Goode Bryant in March and April 2022.

Ker Issa, RAW Material Company’s residency programme started in 2011 and has welcomed more than 40 artists, writers, researchers, curators, etc. from various nationalities, in Dakar. Ker Issa is open to visual artists interested in any medium, from writers, musicians, filmmakers and architects to curators, researchers or student researchers.

Ker Issa is located in the Baobabs neighbourhood and has the capacity to welcome two artists in residence. The space is a 15 minute walk from RAW's headquarters and is 20 minutes by car from Dakar's downtown.

RAW Façade Antoine Tempé small(c) Antoine Tempé