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On May 23, 2018, the General Assembly of On the Move, the Cultural Mobility Information Network, took place in Lisbon. The local host was the still young OTM member Polo Cultural Gaivotas I Boavista.

At the meeting amongst others were presented the results of the consultation on the ideal 'European Mobility Fund', which OTM launched earlier this year. Around 700 replies had been received, so that the results could be well integrated into the work of the European committees. In May, the Commission had presented the new European Agenda for Culture. This once again defines artistic mobility as an important topic. The development of the new instrument for supporting cultural mobility announced this year is now eagerly awaited.

The General Assembly elected Yohann Floch (Fresh Arts Coalition Europe) to the Board for another term of office. The Assembly also confirmed a number of new members, including Tamizdat, ONDA and the Robert Bosch Cultural Managers Network (RBCM Network)

Some further members who attended: African Cultural Policy Network, Arts and Theater Institute (CZ), Asia-Europe Foundation, Circostrada, Dutch Culture / TransArtists, EEPAP, European Cultural Foundation, FACE-Fresh Arts Coalition Europe, Howlround Theater Commons, IG Kultur (AT), IGBK (DE), IETM, ITI Germany, Polo Cultural Gaivotas Boavista, RES ARTIS, SCCA Slovenia, Scensverige / Swedish ITI, Tamizdat, Theater Union of the Russian Union, Wales Arts International and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute (PL). See a list of all of On The Move's members here33207185 1875278365872147 3887659759020539904 o

On May 24, 2018, artists and cultural actors from Lisbon had an opportunity to exchange views with OTM members on issues of international work in a public event. The discussion can be looked up here on HowlRound.

Among other things, there was also a meeting of the Mobility Info Points, which network from across Europe in the context of On The Move, touring artists coordinates this group.

By the way: Polo Cultural Gaivotas I Boavista is the site of artistic production of the city of Lisbon. Sample stages and work spaces are available here, artist residencies are organized as well as a cultural program during the summer months. The Lisbon Culture Bureau - Loja Lisboa Cultura - offers information and advice for artists and cultural operators in Lisbon on practical issues of the working day and is also a helpful contact point for foreign actors: here information about artistic work stays in Portugal is also made available online.




On The Move Lisbon/ Photos: © On The Move

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