on 28 and 29 April 2021 | 10.00-15.30h CET | Online
Performing Arts | Visual Arts| Games
Green Mobility | How to... Reisekostenabrechnung | Lokking back on 2 years of Kreativ-Transfer
Register here. Registration is possible for each workshop part individually.
After just over two years, the Kreativ-Transfer pilot program invites you to a two-day online workshop that includes three different parts and topics:
28. April 2021 | Green Mobility
Together with Thorsten Koska, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Fine Stammnitz, Green Touring Network and actors from the fields of games, visual arts and performing arts, the workshop will be dedicated to the topic of green mobility and discuss individual possibilities for action. This workshop will be conceived together with Alexandra Schmidt,tanzmanagement.net.
29. April 2021 | How to… Reisekostenabrechnung?
Neele Renzland and Béla Bisom from transmissions give an introduction to the regulations of the Bundesreisekostengesetz (Federal Travel Expenses Act), address typical errors in its application and answer individual questions about (foreign) per diems, voucher retention requirements, mileage allowances & Co.
29. April 2021 | Looking back on two years of Kreativ-Transfer
At the beginning of 2019, Kreativ-Transfer was launched with the aim of strengthening the international networking and visibility of actors in the cultural and creative industries - in the fields of performing arts, visual arts and games - on the international market. Now it is time to invite previous participants and interested parties to look back on more than two years of Kreativ-Transfer, to exchange experiences and to get feedback.
More information here on the Kreativ-Transfer website (in German)
Please note that the workshops will be in German.
An event by Kreativ-Transfer
Jana Grünewald / Nicole Fiedler / Janna Kleinknecht / Sophia Herzog
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 992 119 117
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The project „Kreativ-Transfer“ is funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM). The sponsor of the project “Kreativ-Transfer” is the umbrella organization The German Association for Dance (DTD). In the implementation of this program, DTD cooperates with the IGBK as well as with Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (BFDK), the Initiative Neuer Zirkus (INZ), the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler (BVDG), with game - Verband der deutschen Games-Branche eV and transmissions GbR.