22 September 2021 at10.00h CET online | Register until 14 September 2021
Kreativ-Transfer turns II!
The German Dance Association “Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD)” can continue the program Kreativ-Transfer until May 2023.
For the restart, the DTD together with the cooperation partners invites you to an online Kick-off - "Kreativ-Transfer wird II" on 22 September 2021.
What have we learned from Kreativ-Transfer I - before and during the pandemic? In a short review, we will share impressions and experiences from the program with you.
But above all, we will be looking to the future. Together with Kreativ-Transfer grantees, funders, cooperation partners, jury members, and other participants, we want to talk about questions and challenges related to international networking: What does successful networking look like in (post)pandemic times? How can (more) visibility be created for one's own creative and artistic work? And how can Kreativ-Transfer continue to offer meaningful support and be even more effective in the future?
In addition, we will provide information on the Kreativ-Transfer II program and offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with professionals in the cultural and creative sector.
Please note that the online kick-off is planned to be held in German – please let us know if you would need translation in order to participate.
View the programm for the Kick-Off on 22 September 2021
More information on Kreativ-Transfer here (in German)
The responsible body for the program Kreativ-Transfer is the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. (DTD), the German Dance Association. In implementing the program, the DTD cooperates with the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V., BFDK (Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts), the Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V., BUZZ (Federal Association of Contemporary Circus), the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V., BVDG (the Federal Association of German Galleries and Art Dealers e.V.), the Internationalen Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste e.V. , IGBK (International Association of Visual Arts e.V.), the game - Verband der deutschen Games- Branche e.V. (Association of the German Games Industry), and transmissions GmbH.