30 June 2022, for 3 hours -->
Starting at 07.00h San José | 08.00h Wisconsin Dells | 09.00h Santa Cruz de la Sierra | 10.00h Buenos Aires | 13.00h Dakar, N'Gaparou | 14.00h Lagos | 15.00h Berlin, Heidelberg | 16.00h Kampala | 18.30h Bombay, Colombo | 20.00h Majalengka, Phnom Penh
Workshop partners | Workshop participants
More information on onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity
(Times below are Berlin times, schedule may still be subject to change) |
15:00:00 |
00:10 |
15:10:00 |
Welcome Introduction to the project "onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity" |
15:10:00 |
00:20 |
15:30:00 |
Getting to know each other There are always 3-4 participants in one break out room. We will send you randomly into these rooms. Introduce your work and your visions to your counterparts. Speak about yourself. |
(coming back into the main room) |
15:30:00 |
01:00 |
16:30:00 |
Exchange in the big round: Please introduce your breakout room partners to the others. What did you learn about your counterparts? When you are done, please pass the word to somebody who has not spoken yet. Thank you! |
16:30:00 |
00:05 |
16:35:00 |
short break |
16:35:00 |
00:10 |
16:45:00 |
Introduction to the workshop break out rooms: We are collecting keywords on the work and visions of artists' residencies and on their networking amongst each other. |
16:45:00 |
00:25 |
17:10:00 |
Break Out Rooms Round 1 - There are two break out rooms running parallely (Room A and B). |
(changing rooms) |
17:10:00 |
00:25 |
17:35:00 |
Break Out Rooms Round 2 - There are two break out rooms running parallely (Room C and D). |
17:35:00 |
00:05 |
17:40:00 |
short break |
17:40:00 |
00:15 |
17:55:00 |
Discussion in the big round: What are you taking with you from today's discussions? How can we (further) exchange the ideas that we collected? |
17:55:00 |
00:05 |
18:00:00 |
Farewell by the project leaders |