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Apply until 04 February 2024

Two new open calls have been published as part of the Kreativ-Transfer III program, which are aimed at project spaces and producers' galleries.

The aim of the Kreativ-Transfer program is to support actors in establishing and expanding their international network in order to improve their visibility on the international market.

KT Okt 2021 RK 300

Support for travel costs for participation in art festivals, fairs and fair-like events (PDF).

  • For events in the period 25 March – 31 December 2024.
  • Get into conversation with international stakeholders, present your project space / producer gallery and communicate your work, expand your international network, intensify contacts, initiate business …
  • Funding will be provided in the form of lump sum grants (different maximum funding amounts apply depending on the destination). Applicants may contribute their own funds or any third-party funds that do not stem from federal budgets.

KT Okt 2021 Vern 300

Funding for international networking, visibility and professionalization projects (PDF)

  • For strategic projects in the period 25 March – 31 December 2024.
  • Work on establishing and expanding your international network.
  • Optimize the international marketing of the represented project space / producer gallery.
  • Take action for your training and professionalisation in the areas of international networking, (digital) distribution, international communication, marketing, and acquisition.
  • Funding will be awarded in the form of a lump sum grant (max. 2,000.00 euros). Contribution of own funds or any third-party funds is not mandatory.

Important notes

  • The deadline for both calls is 04 February 2024.
  • Further information as well as the online application forms can be found in the call for proposals here on the Kreativ-Transfer Website (scroll down to project spaces) and here in the PDFs (PDF Travel Support / PDF Int. Networking).
  • Before submitting your application, please read the calls for proposals and FAQs thoroughly to avoid any misunderstandings and to clarify any questions you may have.
  • Please note, the calls are in German, but it is possible to apply in English.
  • On 12 January 2024, 11.00-12.30h CET, Kreativ-Transfer is partnering with transmissions to offer an online consultation. No registration is required, you can simply join: | Meeting-ID: 830 8153 8133| Code: 390800

The Kreativ-Transfer team will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions:

Jana Grünewald · Joceline Teichmann · Sophia Herzog
Kreativ-Transfer · Dachverband Tanz Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 992 119 117 (Di – Do, 11.00 – 15.00 Uhr)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

kreatIv transfer

More information on the Kreativ-Transfer program here.

The project Kreativ-Transfer is funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM). The sponsor of the project Kreativ-Transfer is the umbrella organization The German Association for Dance (DTD). In the implementation of this program, DTD cooperates with the IGBK as well as with Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (BFDK), the Initiative Neuer Zirkus (INZ), the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler (BVDG), with game - Verband der deutschen Games-Branche eV and transmissions GbR.