The cooperation with the student art festival "ART an der Grenze na granicy" on 26.04.2019 in Frankfurt (Oder) marked the beginning of the IGBK project "Übergänge/ Nachbarschaft", a series of events on artistic cooperation in border regions of Germany, in the light of the elections to the European Parliament in 2019 and with the aim of promoting intra-European exchange.
Read the documentation of the evening here (PDF in German, Text by Sharleen Betker)
We would like to thank Berenika Partum (ARTUM Foundation), Joachim Mühle (Kultursekretär des Kulturraumes Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien und Kulturamtsleiter Landkreis Görlitz), Marcel Noack (artist and member of the board of IGBK), Bogdan Kostyra (Kleinprojektefonds-Projektmanagement / Deutsche Geschäftsstelle der Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA) and the teams of the Brandenburgischen Landesmuseums für moderne Kunst and of ART|an der Grenze|na granicy for the good inputs and wonderful cooperation!
Panel discussion on artistic cooperation in border regions
26.04.2019, 19.00-21.00h
Festival site Raum A, Große Scharrnstraße 8, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Along the border between Germany and Poland, a large number of decentralized artist networks are located, which have a high degree of local and cross-border networking. A podium will discuss the quality of local work, the infrastructural and financial conditions for cross-border cooperation, and how artists and cultural promoters can benefit from European Union funds in the context of European Territorial Cooperation. Art projects from Breslau, Görlitz, Schloss Trebnitz and Zielona Góra will be presented. With Berenika Partum, Joachim Mühle and Marcel Noack.
Since 2016, Berenika Partum is Program Director of the Polish ARTUM Foundation, which works on opening a contemporary art museum focusing on 70s art in the German-Polish border region (between Zielona Góra and Guben). She will talk about the future vision of such a project and report on what efforts have already been made to get closer to the goal of realization. In addition, Berenika Partum has been working for many years as a freelance curator and coordinator of projects of contemporary art and culture in the German-Polish context, as for example in the context of sculpture symposia at the castle Trebnitz in Brandenburg.
Joachim Mühle is Kultursekretär at Kulturraum Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien and Cultural Office Head at Landkreis Görlitz.
Marcel Noack is a freelance artist and photographer observing the change of urban and rural structures. He was involved as an artist in the art project WASSERgleich, in which, in the cooperation of the three regions Ruhr, Görlitz and Wroclaw, various artists worked and presented together along the local rivers of those regions, eventually connecting them at certain intersections. Marcel Noack is a member of the Executive Board of the IGBK and of the Executive Board of Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler (BBK) and of its Landesverband in Sachsen.
Workshop „Working abroad - Artistic Projects abroad“
26.04.2019, 14.00-16.00h
Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Rathaushalle / Marktplatz 1, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Mobility is a central aspect of artistic practice. Do I need a work permit to run a workshop in London? How do I organize a stay at an artist residence in Poland? How do I bring my art to Canada? Will I still be covered by the Künstlersozialversicherung if I travel to Japan for a year? The information portal touring artists offers artists working internationally an introduction to the topics of taxes, customs, social security, copyright, insurance, visa / residence and support for international projects. In addition, individual consultations are offered in cooperation with SMartDe.
The workshop will present the portal and counseling services as well as the European networking of arts organizations and service organizations.
The event addresses both visual artists who work abroad and want to cooperate with artists there, as well as artists from abroad who are temporarily active in Germany. Also multipliers and organizers with interest in the mentioned topics are invited.
The workshop will also feature a representative from Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina's office who will be pleased to discuss questions on funding opportunities under the so-called Kleinprojektfonds.
The workshop will take place in German, partly with translation into Polish. If you are interested in the translation into Polish, we ask for an announcement in your registration, for our planning.
More information at Art an der Grenze na granicy.
Art an der Grenze is funded by Bundesministerium für Familien, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend as part of the Bundesprogramm „Demokratie leben“