
Artistic projects and networks organised offside the mainstream have gained relevance in the last years. How significant are these places for art and artistic production within an art system moved by economic success?

Is the freedom that might emerge from the work in a community used to develop new artistic formats and themes?

"The Artist Feeling - Künstlernetzwerke", a project by IGBK and FRISE - Künstlerhaus Hamburg on November 28, 2009, planned and moderated by annette hollywood, Frank Michael Zeidler and Michael Kress, gave an overview of the development of artists’ networks and federations. It was also questioned which role networks play when it comes to the articulation of social relevance that artistic work has, from today’s view and also from a historical perspective. One priority was given to the role of artists’ networks in China.

In the following "The Artist Feeling - Künstlernetzwerke" is documented in a report (PDF, in german) by Nana Tatalovic, art historian based in Hamburg.

The Artist Feeling – Künstlernetzwerke

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