
On 11 October 2022, a digital networking meeting for all actors in the field of visual and visual arts on the topic of Brexit took place for the first time on the initiative of the IGBK. The numerous participants were made up of regional art associations, galleries and artists.

Current issues regarding the mobility of artists between Germany and the UK were explained, and information was provided about the services of touring artists and the newly founded Breixt Infopoint. Furthermore, the participants were able to ask specific questions and further information was provided.

Another networking meeting will be held on 2 December from 17:30 - 19:00 at the Mobility Infopoints conference. Digital participation is possible for anyone interested with prior registration here.

In the course of the meeting on 11 October, the great desire was expressed to obtain an overview of the structures and processes of the respective countries. The IGBK is therefore planning a digital networking meeting for the end of January 2023 with the focus on "Structures of the art landscape in the UK & DE" and is inviting two experts for this. After an introduction, participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive more information and registration for the networking meeting.

Additional information

Touring artists is a member of the Mobility Infopoints network, the respective national contact points:

Information on the mobility direction DE-UK:  |

Information on the cultural landscape of Scotland:

Information on funding for the UK:  

Information on funding for Wales:

Information on customs issues beyond EU borders:

Info on the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce Carnet:

Information on the exchange of artists between the UK and DE:

Infos about Cultural Policy in UK:

Overview of the visual arts in Germany: