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Next meeting on 23 January 2023, NEW INFORMATION: MEETING PER ZOOM

International Artists Info Berlin Monthly Meet Up for Transnational Artists

Register for participation here. We will send you the Zoom Link shortly before the event.

Event in English:

The next touring artists / International Artists Info Berlin (IAIB) MONTHLY MEET-UP is coming up on 23 January 2023, via Zoom!

Focus: Political representation: unions and stakeholders for artists in Berlin

More information also on the touring artists Facebook-Profile.

The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists that are new in Berlin, organized since 2020 by touring artists/IAIB - funded by the Berlin Senat for Culture and Europe.

Our MONTHLY MEET-UP gives you the chance

  • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues)
  • meet members of Berlin’s art institutions and get to know their work
  • meet fellow artists and support each other
  • visit shows, performances and exhibitions together

You are welcome to join us every month in Berlin.

Bring your questions and ideas!

Find information on all previous Monthly Meet-Ups on the touring artists Facebook profile.

touring artists is a joint project of IGBK, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD), supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

touring artists/ International Artists Info Berlin (IAIB) is a cooperation of IGBK, ITI and DTD with SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreative e.V., supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin program "Weltoffenes Berlin".