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(c) Nasjonalmuseet / Ina Wesenberg


Anna-Stina Svakko
Born 1967 in Kiruna, most northern part of Swedish side of Sápmi/the Sámi peoples area.

Sámi traditional crafter in soft materials and textil artist. She has studied sámi craft, textile craft, art and practical pedagogics for 10 years all together. In 1991 she turned master craftsman in soft materials in her field of duodji.

She works fulltime in her business Astu Design situated in the small village Porjus. The main work for her is traditional sámi regalia, lectures, courses and mentorship in the nordic countrys and abroad. Right now Anna-Stina is focused in theatercostume design with premiere in october 2024, as well as getting artpieces together for new exhibithions in the autumn the same year.

Anna ist Teilnehmerin am Runden Tisch bei der visual artists | diverse conditions Konferenz in 2024.