IAA Europe published a new 2023-2024 strategy paper in the spring of 2023.
The paper can be viewed on the IAA Europe website here.
The paper is divided into the five areas of action and demands for the field of visual arts in Europe:
- Providing Equal Rights
- Strengthening Working Conditions And A Fair Payment For Artistic Practices
- Creating Public Access To The Visual Arts In Europe
- Ensuring Aesthetic Competence For All
- Showing Solidarity With Artists At Risk And In Exile
IAA Europe Executive Committee
The strategy paper is a resolution of the current Executive Committee of IAA Europe. The members of the committee are:
Teemu Mäki (President)
NC of Finland - Suomen Taiteilijaseura
Sara Edström (Vice President)
NC of Sweden – Konstnärernas Riksorganisation KRO
Anders Werdelin (Treasurer)
NC of Denmark – Billedkunstnernes Forbund (BKF)
Egle Ganda Bogdaniene
NC of Lithuania - Lietuvos Dailininkų Sąjunga
Jerome Ince-Mitchell
NC of United Kingdom - a-n The Artists Information Company
Andrea Křístek Kozárová
NC of Slovakia - Slovenská Výtvarná Únia
Maria Moroz
NC of Poland - Związek Polskich Artystów Plastyków
Marcel Noack
NC of Germany – Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK)
Hilde Tørdal
NC of Norway - Norske Billedkunstnere
Katina Kosta (nonvoting member of the committee)
NC of Cyprus - Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts E.KA.TE