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 November 2023 in Brussels

On 21 November 2023, the results of the MIP-Amplifier project were presented in Brussels. The aim of the project is to facilitate and optimise the mobility of artists and cultural professionals in the EU. To achieve this, the so-called mobility information points (MIPs) support artists with free and accessible information. On the other hand, the participating MIPs document mobility movements in order to present the data to political representatives.

The project is managed by the international cultural mobility network On the Move, together with the two MIPs Motovila (Slovenia) and touring artists (Germany).

The project has three main objectives and has now been able to publish the following core results:

  • To enable existing MIPs to strengthen their capacity to better serve the sector in all its diversity: To this end, the development of potential new MIPs in other EU countries will be supported by a MIP Handbook to help strengthen coherent and coordinated action between existing and future MIPs. The MIP Handbook was developed during a training course organised by Motovilia in Ljubljana from 11 to 13 September 2023 and can be viewed here.
  • To strengthen the visibility of the MIPs: A dedicated landing page and a microsite were designed to provide easily accessible information and customised support for artists and cultural professionals and to direct them to the relevant MIPs and/or key resources.
  • In addition, a first consolidated data report was produced using a new data collection tool. The database is to be comprehensively expanded in the future and serve as a basis for further political measures at EU and national level.

The MIP Amplifier project was funded by ECAS (European Citizen Action Service).