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Slovak Union of Visual Arts (SUVA) / IAA Europe

 Profil picture of Andrea Křístek Kozárová

(c) Dusan Kristek


Andrea Křístek Kozárová – photographer and manager of the UMELKA Gallery (Bratislava, Slovakia) since 2010: organization and production of about 30 exhibition and about 10 interdisciplinary projects per year, fundraising, photo documentation, PR. Cooperation with IAA Europe and IAA / AIAP - the world's largest professional organization of visual artists and UNESCO partner: 2011-2015 Secretary of the Executive Committee, since 2018 Vice President, since 2019 President of IAA Europe: organization of conferences, symposia and plenary sessions. Education: The Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava, history. Statements for the media, published articles and photographs: SUVA Yearbooks since 2013, Black Sheep of Arts? Art and society: myths and facts - 2018, exhibition catalogues. Another projects: World Art Day since 2011, 2018 exhibition A View from V4 in Brussels – Slovak representation, 2019 conference on copyright with the participation of representatives of associations of artists from 20 countries (Legal and social statutes of artists in Europe - 30 years after the Velvet Revolution: Focus on the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the digital Single Market) in Bratislava. Member of the professional artists association Indivisual.

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Andrea joins us for the Art Space Connect Workshop on 07 November 2020

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