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Tbilisi Architecture Biennal

 Profil picture of Tinatin Gurgenidze


Tbilisi Architecture Biennial was established in 2017 by Tinatin Gurgenidze, Natia Kalandarishvili, Otar Nemsadze and Gigi Shukakidze. TAB aims to bring together professionals from diverse disciplines united under one topic on a biannual basis. Policy makers, the local public and other stakeholders are presented during the event, initiating and broadening the critical discourse on architectural and urban issues in Tbilisi and beyond. The TAB platform joins forces to generate exhibitions, new architectural installations, spatial experiments, symposiums and other activities related to the theme of the event. The topic, location as well as a curator change for each event.

Tinatin was part of the 1st digital Art Space Connect talk on 04 July 2020, together with Marika Kuźmicz (Arton Foundation). Tina joins us also for the Art Space Connect Workshop on 07 November 2020.

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