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 Profil picture of Nastia Khlestova

(c) Kristina Pashkina


Nastia Khlestova (b. 1989, Lughansk) - is a curator based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Nastia is working with the topics of the art process and the place of a young artist in the structure of contemporary art process. Her focus is the modes of functioning of artist-run spaces, local artistic institutional history, as well as young artists and their personal stories. She is the curator and co-founder of the space 127 garage in Kharkiv.

127garage is a space for cultural initiatives from artists and for artists. The artist Anton Tkachenko and the curator Nastia Khlestova, opened a space for exhibitions, lectures, shows, meetings, discussions, and, mostimportantly, experiments in the garage. The main goal and mission of 127 garage is to create a community comfortable for work and interaction, supporting young artists.

127garage’s work is centered on different formats of knowledge exchange and developing new tools for understanding the condition today for a queerer tomorrow. Through the curation of residences, projects, festivals, directing educational programs, proposing workshops and performing lectures 127 garage opens up new discursive lines, by involving different actors into challenging spatialnarratives. 127 garage strives for a world of horizontal hegemonies, borderlessness and borderlands.

Nastia joins us for the Art Space Connect Workshop on 07 November 2020

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